Thursday, 22 December 2011

Christmas Twee // Wrap-Stars...

Hey lovelies,

We've finally started wrapping our presents (nothing like leaving things to the last minute right?) - here are some fabulous festive wrap ideas for those of you who are running behind with your Christmas Prep schedules as well!

Creative Ribbons & Musical Touches...

Lola's Wrapping for Rhi. Brown paper, sheet music strips and glitter stripes layered with ribbons and antique lace

Eclectic Ribbon mixes and tissue wrap, with music stripes and hearts for J

Cris-Crossed ribbon & more antique lace...

Gifts As Wrap

Buying anyone a pretty scarf this Christmas? Scarf used to wrap little gifts, co-ordinating ribbon and vintage buttons...

Gift Boxes

Embellish plain kraft boxes with book page fans and scrabble tile initials...


Confetti trim. DIY confetti by folding large sheets of tissue and holepunching, use a mix of pretty colours (we used peach, mint, green, black and cream!) - a bit of PVA on the paper and sprinkle!

Bright Colours & Crackers

Not your usual festive colours, bright yellow paper, doily touches and red ribbon to make pretty little bundles. Fiddly little stocking fillers that are impossible to wrap? Make a simple cracker from a toilet tube & wrap, embellish with a doily and tie ends with more co-ordinating ribbon.

Pretty, pretty! We're still not even close to completion with the wrapping so best get a move on this eve sweets! Hope you're feeling suitably festive and are not gripped with yuletide fear, the days are rushing in aren't they? 3 more sleeps till Santa-Time! Yay!

Much love

R&L xx


Amber Schmidt said...

So absolutely charming, but knowing you two, I'd expect nothing less.

katie. said...

Gosh this is the best wrapping DIY i think i've seen so far! Brilliant tips and ideas, i wish i had time to create something beautiful out of my wrapping! xo

N* said...

You girls are artists!

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