Alas, we are compelled to write this letter as our enamourment with thee lies in tatters.
When you first came to be, adorning our foreheads, you brought with you all the promises of Sixties flair and allurement. We were first introduced to you by our mothers when we were still small, little did they know the tumultuous relationship we would share with you from that moment on...
Whilst we appreciate that you have shielded our unkempt eyebrows nicely in times of lapsed beauty regimes, it saddens us that you are so quick to part when the slightest wind comes a-blowing. But oh! The blissful feeling you evoke when you are sitting just right, making us feel on par with the be-fringed greats such as Francois Hardy, Jane Birkin, Jean Shrimpton, Marianne moths to a flame we flew time and time again into your rapturous clutches... we could not escape.
Though our love for you still burns, passionately like the star-crossed lovers of Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. To fringe, or not to fringe; that is the question...
Do not despair darling fringe, your presence here is not loathed entirely but we fear you may have abused your position a few too many times. We have found you toying with your boundaries, slyly creeping way beyond the eyeline till you're almost skimming the ends of our noses, blurring the limits of decency and driving us to fornightly trips to the hairdressers.
Trust us when we say that we love you dearly and earnestly, we just wish for you to be more compliant when we need you most; to grow a little slower perhaps, or maybe even to sit a little straighter without the cajoling of ceramic plates and heated rollers.
Fringe beware, much more of this and it will be curtains for you. We are simply asking you to at least consider our request to show that you love us as much as we love you.
Yours eternally and faithfully,
Lauren & Rhianna
Fringeaholics since 1988
For more Twee Troubles check our open letter to Twinings...
You guys are SO cute!
I'm growing mine out. OVER. IT. But now, since I've decided to grow it, it's growing as slooooooow as possible. Not fair! I hate the transitional fringe stage....
I know I'll miss it once it's gone, and will *probably* cut it back again....
We'll see!
Fringes look awesome, and do a grand old job of covering up slightly lined foreheads (too much eyebrow arching), and are much cheaper than botox... However, as the owner of a particularly fine and frizzy head of hair (with a natural parting so dead centre you could use it as a spirit level), I wish 'parting in the wind' was the least of my weather-based fringe problems. Warmth, wind, rain, BREEZE, the slightest sweat, all lead to a weird flicky, curly, greasy frizzy set of curtains. I literally look like a member of East 17 without a stylist.
You both have beautiful fringes, though. Kudos. xxx
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