Tuesday, 23 August 2011

The First Month of Twee...

We can hardly believe we've been here for a month already! Time flies...

We're feeling rather sentimental, so we thought we'd share some of our She Dressed in Black Highlights and favourite posts so far :) - We're having so much fun here and can't wait to start sharing more of what is going behind the scenes here at Twee Towers as our designing and making really kicks off this month for the collection!

twee towers hello copy

Well first we said hello - was such an exciting day when Freckled Nest handed us over our beautiful new blog-home to get started on our adventure...

little m

We introduced you to 'The Boys' - Little M & The Boss, the other inhabitants of Twee Towers


Kicking off our Twee Towers Tour in the Studio - we let you you have a nosey around all the downstairs rooms in the house - we're starting with the upstairs this week so you get to have a peak at our bedrooms!
Feel free to have a snoop around the hall, the kitchen, the living room and Little M's playroom too!

house warming

We threw our first party last month - we were having too much fun to snap it in full swing but we shared some pics of our candy table and Twee Punch Recipe here...

Record player DIY

Vinyl addicts without record players are driven to desperate measures to give their favourite tracks a spin... We got a bit primal and showed you how to play your records without electricity, with... interesting results!

lit love

Kicking off our Literature Love series - Lola shared her vintage finds (with some surprisingly romantic advice from an unexpected source!) and a few lovely books she picked up... We also Twee'd up Poe and told you all about a dreamy book set in the 50s... Loving writing these, we're devouring books in our spare minutes so we can keep sharing!


Lola took over while Rhi was away in France for a week and told tales of her adventures in Berlin and the many wonderous sights and sounds of the incredible city.


When Rhi was home she recounted some of her favourite visits to France and showed off some holiday snaps in and around the beautiful Vic-Sur-Aisne where she had been staying.

lola style

This month Lola headed down to London to attend the Field Day Fesitval at Victoria Park - she did it in style, of course, see what she wore here.

rhi style

Rhi showed off her summer colour scheme of yellow and blue in her first outfit post.

twee troubles with twee

Sadly, its not been all fun and games this month in Twee Towers. We threw a crumpet tossing strop when we were unable to buy our favourite beverage and wrote an open letter to Twinings Tea.

fringe troubles

We were also compelled to confront our long term lover - the fringe and plea that it pulled its act together and stopped its torturous toying of the boundaries of decency... To fringe, or not to fringe, we pondered?

Afterdinner copy

Our favourite weekly event is pulling together all the lovely music we've been listening to that week and compiling a playlist for you all to join in with our After Dinner Dance Parties!

We started here, with the lovely Honey Trees, some very cool 60s J-Pop and our comedic favourites Munchausen by Proxy... We then brought the out of this world Space Edition, a guest party was hosted by The Moons' James Edward Bagshaw, Nos Amis we LOVED doing our Francais Edition and this week saw the first New Music volume of the After Dinner Dance Party sensation! We hope you've been enjoying twirling to our favourite tunes and have made some cool new discoveries :)

Phew, its been quite a month! Hope you're planning on sticking around for the next little while - this week is going to be rather special as we celebrate Lola's birthday in style and lots of other wonderful things in store for you all!

Much love sweets!

R&L xx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you two are so adorable xo

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