Sunday, 9 October 2011

Twee Tea // Apple Pie Smoothie Shakes

After reading about the Pumpkin Pie Milkshakes on A Beautiful Mess - we were desperate to give them ago. Alas, we discovered that getting our hands on 'canned pumpkin' over here in the UK is virtually, so we improvised with the great Brit classic - Apple pie. We are not lying when we say this is quite possibly the yummiest thing EVER.

You will need -

Little Apple Pies (pressed for time this week we just picked up some Mr Kiplings, but home baked would be amazing) - 1 Per Person
Vanilla Icecream - 2/3 scoops per person
Milk - about a 1/4 pint per person
Cinnamon - we like LOTS.

1. Chuck ingredients in the blender & season with the cinnamon

2. Whizz it up

3. Pour & add more cinnamon for decoration/additional yummy spice.

Simply Parfait for the season...

Let us know if you give it a go :)

Much love,
R&L xx


Lauren Hairston said...

These look yummy! I've heard about trouble finding pumpkin purée from other Brits--maybe I'm just lazy, but I'd so much rather get pumpkin out of a can than from an actual pumpkin!

P.S. I like lots of cinnamon, too.

Jessie - The Velvet Bow said...

This looks so festive and delish, I would have never thought to turn a pie into a shake!

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