Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Treasure Troves // Dolly Mix Vintage

Around these lands, we are not exactly blessed with a plethora of vintage shops. Your best bet is travelling to the capital or to one of the bigger cities but there are a few hidden treasures that are always an absolute joy to rummage through!

One of my fave spots for a thrifty afternoon is Dolly Mix Vintage! One of my problems with vintage shops is the sheer amount of 80s attire ... it's not my decade of choice from the outset and sometimes, if you're not looking for an oversized shellsuit or a jacket emblazoned with an arrogant pattern reminiscent of the Saved by the Bell title sequence (...and believe me, I never am!) vintage shopping can be a little disheartening.

I normally look out for pieces from the eras that I love from around the mid-century - mostly 1960s pieces and the occasional piece from the 50s & 70s. Which leads me on to why I love Dolly Mix, although you might stumble across the odd 80s nightmare (a dream for other p'haps!), they house amazing pieces spanning from the Victorian period onwards! A couple of weeks ago I nearly bought a wicked renaissance re-production jacket (a casual blazer style in soft navy velvet but with incredible over-elaborate sleeves!) I had to restrain myself as I had already been on quite a spree and after weighing up how much I was likely to wear it coming into the winter months, I just couldn't justify its prettiness :(

I absolutely love the layout of this shop, over two floors each crevice contains some kind of charming display that makes shopping feel that little bit more special!

Here's a few snaps from this magical vintage shop...

A favourite of Mr Bagshaw too!

I bought this '60s fedora from Dolly Mix Vintage last year - such a lovely colour and it's still in such good condition!

Much love,
L xx

1 comment:

Carla said...

I saw Zack Morris in a different TV show recently. He's, like, 35 now. With brown hair that definitely has not been blowdryed and backcombed. And he's got wrinkles.

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