1. Where can I buy one of your spiffy prints?
Our prints are available on etsy shop – or click *here* to download the order form and email it back to us.
2. Where does the name ‘She Dressed in Black’ come from?
We LOVE The Beatles, seriously love them, like had we been on the scene 50 years ago we would have been one of those screaming, crying fans that followed their every move... (we may have even shed a few tears when we went to see Paul McCartney in 2010... especially when he sang Blackbird. Divine.)
The line ‘She’s Dressed in Black’ is from their song Baby’s in Black...
3. How old are you?
Both Twenty-Twee ... (or 23...)
4. Where in the world are you?
After living in Sheffield and London for uni – Lauren & Rhianna found their way back home to their little town in Northamptonshire, UK. It’s not especially exciting around here but we still find nice things to do...
5. Where do you work from?
We work from home – we rent a lovely house from Rhi’s uncle and we’ve converted the conservatory into our studio space...
6. What cameras do use?
We use a Fujifilm DSLR and take lots of Photos with I-Phones (we’re a tiny bit addicted to instagram) – simple but beautiful! We have a Lomo Diana F+ too – which we’re going to try and use more!
7. Is there a Sizzle Reunion on the cards?
We’d love to get the band together again... Not sure how relevant our 90s styles would be in the current market (or if we’re still capable of keeping in time doing that jig with no music...) - we’ll check Sean’s diary and get back to you. (If you missed the back story of sizzle click here).
We've recently been toying with the idea of forming a Boney M tribute group... We'll let you know how that one goes ;)